Coming February 27th 2019
Myths and legends can draw me in faster than almost anything else. They always have. So do the mysteries that have no irrefutable answer. The thing is—the imagination can take you so many places as it forms its own possibilities, its own answers to the world’s legends and mysteries. And in this wondrous place, my novels are born.
In “Heart of the Storm,” published by The Wild Rose Press, I took on the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle. Over the years, I have watched many documentaries concerning this oceanic area between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda (although the area varies by author). I have read books and several recorded testimonies. Many of those accounts share common events: A sudden unusual storm; bizarre cloud formations; flashes of light; loss of visible horizon, and malfunction of navigational equipment to name a few.
Throughout it all there were things I wanted to know.