The Haunting of Fraser Castle & Spirit of the Knight in Audio!

Are you a fan of audio books and adore sweet, ghostly romances? If so, check out the end of this post! But First, let’s get to the Haunting of Fraser Castle… In the year 1575, the construction of Castle Fraser was begun. A man by the name of Michael Fraser, who was the 6th Laird of Fraser, oversaw the creation of his castle. However, it took sixty-one years before the Fraser clan deemed the castle finished. Perhaps because of the great care that went into this castle, many consider it to be one of the grandest castles in all of Aberdeenshire. And, just as in all castles, this one has quite a history. The castle was built as the home of the Frasers of Muchalls and then later became the Frasers of Castle Fraser. This lovely structure was passed down through the ages to all the Lords’ Fraser. Afterward, it […]

Heart of the Storm, Where Past Meets Present…

Coming February 27th 2019 Myths and legends can draw me in faster than almost anything else. They always have. So do the mysteries that have no irrefutable answer. The thing is—the imagination can take you so many places as it forms its own possibilities, its own answers to the world’s legends and mysteries. And in this wondrous place, my novels are born. In “Heart of the Storm,” published by The Wild Rose Press, I took on the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle. Over the years, I have watched many documentaries concerning this oceanic area between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda (although the area varies by author). I have read books and several recorded testimonies. Many of those accounts share common events: A sudden unusual storm; bizarre cloud formations; flashes of light; loss of visible horizon, and malfunction of navigational equipment to name a few. Throughout it all there were things […]

Spirit of the Revolution & Court of the Hawk Now Available on Audio Book!

‘Spirit of the Revolution’ & ‘Court of the Hawk’ are now available on Audio through Amazon, Audible and ITunes. Other titles coming soon!

Cover Reveal… Love Letters from Heaven

Exactly seventy-three years, two months and eleven days ago, on the shores of Normandy, an Invasion known as Operation Overlord took place. We know that day better as D-Day… On that day, countless soldiers lost their lives. Many of these heroes are buried in the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. Among them, is William Malloy Griffin, the fictional hero of “Love Letters from Heaven,” my newest novel, soon to be published by the Wild Rose Press! As Always, Debbie Taylor did an AWESOME job of creating the cover. Thank you so very much Debbie! The Official Release Date is January 17, 2018 – Print Books available Now at Wild Rose Press and Amazon READ MORE HERE

Friday the 13th in Full Moon Phase…

So, it’s Friday the 13th and we are in Full Moon phase… If there is any connection between a full moon and the date, we should be entertained as the day wears on. I mean really, if there’s going to be a zombie apocalypse, what better day to start one than right now? Of course, our esteemed scientists will tell you there’s no correlation between the weird and frantic during a full moon. However, my husband mentioned on more than one occasion–while working graveyard patrol at the police department–the presence of a full moon seemed far more chaotic and people behaved in a more irrational manner than on any other day of the lunar month. Hospitals can fall victim to the bizarre as well. Did you know there have only been about 10 full moons on Friday the 13th between 1903 to June of 2014? Today will mark the eleventh. […]

The Things of Nightmares…Real or imagined?

Speaking of things that are not quite right… (See Carnival attractions via Red Rock Theater) Did you ever pick up an item at an antique shop, flea market, or even in grandma’s attic or basement and feel like you’ve suddenly trespassed where you are not welcome? Somehow the otherwise innocent object feels all wrong. Perhaps it emanates a weird vibe or makes your skin crawl. I think we all know about Chucky (a movie I have never watched and never will–thank you ever so much) but what about things other than the plentiful stories of sinister dolls? Do you think these things only live in the minds of those who write horror fiction? Did you know that on eBay there are numerous sites dedicated to possessed objects? Pictures, jewelry, of course a doll or two can also be found. Hmm… There is a story of a Dibbuk Box sold on […]

The old Red Rock Theaters – Something wicked this way comes…

Have you entered a building and something about it just doesn’t seem quite right? You can’t put a finger on it, or even define it exactly, but everything is just kind of “off.” Like…maybe…just maybe you’re being watched by something who’s notice you’d rather escape? Years ago in Las Vegas, Nevada such a place once existed, but it wasn’t always so. Red Rock 11 Theaters–located in what is now, west central Las Vegas–was only a couple of blocks from the home in which I spent all of my teenage years. My family and friends watched a ton of movies there without fuss or incident… But then… READ MORE HERE

Haunted Mammoth Caves…

I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve written a blog and I have truly missed it. There are a million and one reasons for that, mostly life and the people who are most important in it… like my family. If I waxed poetic over the events of the past several months that kept me away from writing, I’d need a book, not a blog. Anyway, enough of that. Suffice it to say I’m back (hopefully)! So without further ado… Have you ever been inside a dank, dark, dusty, cave or mine? If you haven’t, let me be the first one to tell you that it’s really, really dark in there. In fact, the darkness is total. If that doesn’t put a shiver down your spine, know that caves are also full of sounds as well. There are echoes along with spooky and unexplained noises. Whispers are not uncommon. You […]

Upcoming Book Tour, A Fabulous Review for Court of the Hawk…And a Welsh recipe!

For those who might be wondering, I am still alive and well. I have just been really busy making a few revisions to my latest WIP for my lovely editor at The Wild Rose Press (who, by the way, has won the “Best Print/Electronic Book Publisher” Award given out by Preditors and Editors Reader Poll for SEVEN years in a row!) and getting ready for my Book Tour for “Court of the Hawk” hosted by the lovely ladies at Goddess Fish! READ MORE HERE

The Wild Rose Press Releases Court of the Hawk!

The time has just flown since The Wild Rose Press issued the release date for my sixth novel, Court of the Hawk, and I have been so busy with my current Work in Progress that I didn’t notice the days slip-sliding away. Nonetheless, here we are and so to celebrate the release of both ebook and paperback this week, I thought I’d not only give you the blurb, but an extended excerpt as well! Are you ready? (Come on now, you just have to share the excitement with me!) CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


About the Author

Debbie has always had a soft spot for fairy tales, the joy of falling in love, and happily ever after endings. Stories of love and make believe filled her head for as long as she can remember. However, it was her beloved husband who encouraged, cajoled and inspired her to take up a pen and write some of them down. Her journey to published author could fill quite a few pages. However, in June of 2010, she submitted her debut novel “Spirit of the Rebellion” to The Wild Rose Press, her second to Inkspell Publishing, and the rest is history.

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